August 2nd, 2022 IRC Meeting
From Mass Pirate Wiki
Leader: Malt
Fostering Locals
Planning for 2023 Local Elections
Party Conference & Elections
- Conference tentatively for October 8th.
- Elections in Nov.
Video Newsletter/Podcast
Leader: Joseph
- Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed
Other To Do
- Application to PPI
Upcoming Events
- Boston Member Discussion, Sat., August 13th, noon-2pm
- Pirate Moot, Sat., August 27th, 11am-2pm, Joe's place
- jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
- Joe (Joseph Onoroski, Lowell)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington)
- davidd
- hvxgr
- slerman
Meeting poll
- poll still open
- will send out to NH supporters, and wait a bit before closing.
Fostering locals
- Ballot questions
- Maybe support the one which caps admin costs for dental insurance
- Also interesting:
2023 Elections
- Some documents
21:03 <~jokeefe> Agenda:,_2022_IRC_Meeting 21:03 < srevilak> :) 21:03 < Joe> So happy 21:03 <~jokeefe> sounds it, Joe 21:03 <~jokeefe> ids 21:03 <~jokeefe> Anything to add? 21:04 < Joe> Nothing to add 21:04 <~jokeefe> James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:04 < Joe> Joseph Onoroski, Lowell 21:04 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington 21:06 < Joe> I have to do that outreach email for the party still. 21:06 <~jokeefe> Outreach: The poll has been sent to supporters twice, but has been out for a while. 21:07 <~jokeefe> If you cc me I will email it out to anyone in NH on the list, Joe. 21:08 < Joe> That would be good. I will attempt to get to it tonight. 21:09 <~jokeefe> Should we wait one more email update before reviewing the results? 21:09 <~jokeefe> Thanks, Joe 21:10 < Joe> I have no objection. 21:10 < Joe> Srevilak? 21:10 < srevilak> fine by me 21:11 <~jokeefe> ok then. planning to send out out this week. 21:12 <~jokeefe> Fostering Locals 21:12 <~jokeefe> thoughts? 21:13 < Joe> Start invading parks doing paper campaigns. 21:13 < Joe> Starting after school returns. 21:13 < srevilak> Do we have ballot questions this year (in MA)? 21:14 <~jokeefe> I believe so 21:14 < Joe> 21:15 <~jokeefe> BTW: Found this at Mass. Municipal Association: 21:16 <~jokeefe> The Uber ballot measure got struck down by the courts. They included dissemilar items which is a no no. 21:17 <~jokeefe> So the only two left are: developing spending limits for dental insurers, and updating alcohol licensing limits 21:17 < srevilak> Was wondering if there was something we could sign on to as an endorsing org (for name exposure). But maybe not this year. 21:19 <~jokeefe> “The ballot measure would require insurance companies to spend at least 83 percent of their revenues on “dental expenses and quality improvements as opposed to administrative expenses,” the text of the question reads.” 21:19 <~jokeefe> Currently 88% for other medical care 21:21 < Joe> Well, since gambling is now legal, the state is making much more. Now if only they will fix the T 21:21 <~jokeefe> We should have a position on them, though 21:21 <~jokeefe> if only. 21:21 <~jokeefe> Yeah, saw they had to get sports gambling approved 21:23 < Joe> I am in support of the dental cap. It will make it more affordable for everyone. Make dental care for all. 21:24 < Joe> The extra licenses for liquor stores I am fairly indifferent with. 21:24 <~jokeefe> Agreed 21:25 < Joe> I mean, more restaurants and bars are great. So sure? 21:25 <~jokeefe> No reason to go all 18th Amendment on it ;-) 21:26 < Joe> Lol 21:28 < Joe> People need a way to have a good time 21:29 < Joe> My only tribulation is that too many distractions may lead to pandemonium. 21:29 <~jokeefe> We are for drug legalization after all 21:29 <~jokeefe> Planning for 2023 Local Elections 21:29 < Joe> But in support of freedom and individually..... 21:29 <~jokeefe> Found these documents: 21:30 <~jokeefe> 21:30 <~jokeefe> 21:30 <~jokeefe> Also: 21:31 <~jokeefe> Also found this: 21:35 < Joe> The first 2 lists do not include Lowell or I just missed it. Lol 21:35 <~jokeefe> Lowell is a city. It is a list of town election dates 21:36 < Joe> That explains it, I am dum b. 21:37 <~jokeefe> No worries. Should be just once doc for all of them. 21:40 < Joe> Would be nice. 21:41 < Joe> I have internet access where I am setting up the mainframe. 21:41 < srevilak> You have a mainframe? 21:41 < srevilak> as in an IBM mainframe? 21:42 < Joe> Not a server mainframe 21:42 <~jokeefe> srevilak, Arlington’s election was on 4/2/2022. Do you know when papers needed to be turned in? 21:42 < Joe> But we can build one if you like 21:42 < Joe> I have a network composer somewhere... 21:42 < srevilak> Let me look at last year's dates 21:43 <~jokeefe> First was Wellesley on 3/1/2022. Last is Leyden on 6/27/2022 21:44 < srevilak> Can't find last year's dates quicly. IIRC papers are available in Jan, and due back in Feb 21:44 <~jokeefe> So about 8 weeks between? 21:44 < srevilak> About that 21:44 <~jokeefe> Just want to get an idea for when people need to get signatures in 21:45 < srevilak> Found it. Nomination papers were due on Feb 11th. Available 1/3 for town-wide office and 1/27 for town meeting 21:45 < srevilak> 21:45 <~jokeefe> thanks 21:46 < srevilak> 2023 dates not posted yet 21:47 <~jokeefe> Are elections always on Saturdays? 21:47 < Joe> Town meetings in Lowell are Tuesday 21:48 < srevilak> Always on Saturday 21:48 < Joe> What about Arlington and Somerville? 21:49 < Joe> Is there a standard day is my real question. 21:49 <~jokeefe> Somerville city council meets every two weeks, I think. 21:49 < srevilak> Standard day for elections or town meeting? 21:49 < srevilak> Elections are usually early april 21:49 < srevilak> Town meeting starts in Late April. Held Mon and Wed 21:50 < Joe> Town meetings, sorry for a bit off topic. 21:50 < srevilak> That's Arlington's schedule. Other towns may differ 21:50 < srevilak> Lowell is a city -- I doubt you have town meetings 21:50 < srevilak> Did you mean city council? 21:50 < Joe> City meetings and they are every week. 21:50 < Joe> Aye 21:51 < Joe> It's why I requested moving our meeting back to Wednesday. 21:52 < srevilak>,&startDate=&endDate=&dateRange=&dateSelector= 21:53 < srevilak> Yep, meets on Tuesdays 21:53 <~jokeefe> MMA doesn’t list 2021 or 2020 dates unfortunately 21:53 < srevilak> I could manage Wed meetings 21:53 < Joe> O, it changed since the last time I attended though 21:54 <~jokeefe> can get the day of the week see if there is a pattern such as 1st Saturday in April or something. 21:54 < Joe> It's every other week now. 21:54 <~jokeefe> Are we good for recording on Sunday? 21:54 < Joe> The reason I bring this up is because we want us to attend more local meetings. 21:55 < Joe> Yes 21:55 < srevilak> Good for recording on Sun 21:55 < Joe> I may still have my eldest but I am getting in a good routine with him 21:56 <~jokeefe> At the moment Tue/Wed/Thu 8-10pm seems open. Hopefully, will get more votes soon. 21:57 < Joe> I still have an alarm set to Wednesday. 21:57 <~jokeefe> Good to know. Glad to hear that you are getting into a good routine with your son. 21:58 < Joe> Btw, I spoke with Malt. He's ok but not sure how much he can deal the political situation atm. 21:58 <~jokeefe> Any update on PPI application, Joe? 21:58 <~jokeefe> It is a crappy political situation. 21:58 <~jokeefe> Good to hear. Hope he is well otherwise. 21:59 < Joe> Maybe you should have a chat with him 21:59 < Joe> Help him be the change we need, even if it's the change we don't deserve. 21:59 < srevilak> since we're nearly at time, I'll motion to adjourn 22:00 <~jokeefe> 2nd 22:00 < Joe> 2nd 22:00 < Joe> 3rd 22:00 <~jokeefe> all in favor? 22:00 < srevilak> aye 22:00 < Joe> Aye 22:00 < srevilak> will post transcript 22:00 <~jokeefe> thanks for the suggestions Joe.