April 5th, 2022 IRC Meeting
From Mass Pirate Wiki
XRBoston Freedom from Fossil Fuels Tour, April 22nd
Details: https://xrboston.org/action/freedom-from-fossil-fuels-tour/
Planks: https://github.com/masspirates/planks
What we are working on now:
Leader: Malt
What topics should we discuss Saturday?
Video Newsletter/Podcast
Leader: Joseph
- Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed
Other To Do
- Application to PPI
Upcoming Events
- Democracy Meeting, Sat., April 9th, 11am-1pm
- Pirate Moot, Sat., April 23rd, noon-2pm
- XR Boston Earth Day Protest, April 22nd
- Free the Vaccine Protest, April 28th
- jokeefe (James O’Keefe)
- yari
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington)
- joe (Joseph Onoroski, Lowell)
- malt (sam capradae, worcester)
- davidd_
- hvxgr
- slerman
XRBoston demonstration
- https://xrboston.org/action/freedom-from-fossil-fuels-tour/
- Motion to endorse passes.
Crypto/NFT plank
- https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/MAPPCryptoNFT
- plank adopted
- Pirate news this Sunday. Usual time.
21:05 < Joe> Ahoy 21:06 <~jokeefe> Agenda: https://masspirates.org/wiki/April_5th,_2022_IRC_Meeting 21:06 <~jokeefe> ids 21:06 <~jokeefe> Anything to add? 21:06 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington 21:06 < malt> sam capradae, worcester 21:06 <~jokeefe> James O’Keefe 21:06 <~jokeefe> Somerville 21:08 <~jokeefe> Decisions/Endorsements 21:08 <~jokeefe> XRBoston Freedom from Fossil Fuels Tour, April 22nd 21:08 < malt> what's that? 21:09 <~jokeefe> https://xrboston.org/action/freedom-from-fossil-fuels-tour/ 21:09 < srevilak> XR = Extinction Rebellion 21:09 < malt> neat! i don't think i'll be making it out 21:09 <~jokeefe> I plan to be there 21:09 < srevilak> In the UK, they deflate SUV tires to stop them from burning gasoline :) 21:10 <~jokeefe> going to take a lot of tire deflation 21:10 < Joe> Sry, Joseph Onoroski, Lowell 21:11 <~jokeefe> endorse? 21:12 < malt> i do 21:13 < srevilak> I (heart) discobedience 21:13 < srevilak> second motion to endorse 21:14 <~jokeefe> all in favor? 21:14 < Joe> Abstain 21:14 <~jokeefe> aye 21:15 < srevilak> aye 21:16 <~jokeefe> any opposed? 21:17 <~jokeefe> motion passes 21:18 <~jokeefe> will contact them 21:20 <~jokeefe> also, I found out when the planning meetings for the no vaccine patents protest are. I plan to join them and will get the details of that protest. I think it will be the end of April. 21:21 <~jokeefe> Platform 21:21 <~jokeefe> We were last working on https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/MAPPCryptoNFT 21:24 <~jokeefe> haven’t had a chance to update it in light of srevilak’s suggestion 21:27 < Joe> I made some updates at the end, you like? 21:29 <~jokeefe> nice change 21:31 < Joe> Ty 21:33 < Joe> It looks good to me. Motion to accept? 21:34 <~jokeefe> Still focuses more on what we are against than what we are for 21:34 < srevilak> I'd like to propose a change: Blockchain technologies are fraud futures. Change "blockchain tech" -> cryptocurrency 21:35 < srevilak> (Had a very long night of deliberations and votes on a town board last night. Brain is still slightly mushy.) 21:36 <~jokeefe> that sounds find, srevilak, though we have three paragraphs that start with Cryptocurrencies/y 21:36 <~jokeefe> s/find/fine/g 21:37 < srevilak> Good point - merged that into one of the other paragraphs 21:43 <~jokeefe> thanks 21:44 <~jokeefe> do the changes address your concerns srevilak? 21:45 < srevilak> I think that's good 21:46 <~jokeefe> any other changes needed? 21:46 < Joe> I like it. 21:47 <~jokeefe> malt? 21:48 <~jokeefe> Changed the first sentence of the last paragraph to: By decentralizing technologies, the focus can be on autonomy, resilience, protocols over products, and exercising our ability to tinker and improve> 21:50 <~jokeefe> Actually: By decentralizing technologies, the focus can be on autonomy, resilience, protocols over products, and exercising our ability to tinker and create. 21:50 < srevilak> That's good 21:52 <~jokeefe> All in favor of adopting this text? 21:52 < Joe> Aye 21:52 < srevilak> aye 21:53 <~jokeefe> aye 21:53 <~jokeefe> malt? 21:53 <~jokeefe> any opposed? 21:54 < malt> aye 21:54 < malt> wait i mean i'm in favor 21:54 <~jokeefe> :-) 21:55 <~jokeefe> plank adopted 21:55 < malt> woohoo! 21:55 <~jokeefe> Projects 21:55 <~jokeefe> Pirate News on Sunday? 21:56 < malt> I should be able to make it! 21:56 < Joe> Aye 21:56 < srevilak> Will be there 21:56 <~jokeefe> Great. 21:57 <~jokeefe> Shall we adjourn? 21:57 < Joe> One more thing. 21:57 <~jokeefe> sure 21:57 < Joe> I have the boat. 21:58 < malt> thw what 21:58 <~jokeefe> Sail boat 21:59 < Joe> In better condition than expected as well. Mostly electrical and tirm work to be done. 21:59 < malt> oh lordy 21:59 <~jokeefe> nice 21:59 < srevilak> cool 22:00 < srevilak> Motion to adjourn? 22:00 < Joe> 2nd 22:00 < malt> aye 22:00 < srevilak> aye (will post transcript)